Phone wallpaper edited using Picsart.
Assalamualaikum :)
First at all, this entry is not about tutorial how to edit pictures poster or phone wallpaper using picsart. Hahaha I wrote this just to show the result of my edit using picsart. Because I was bored last week, so I try to install picsart. Honestly cadang install picsart nak edit gambar macam selalu edit guna vsco cam, but bila search youtube.. jumpa tutorial how to make phone wallpaper. so I try because it look fun HAHAHA
So here is my first result edit phone wallpaper using picsart.

So ugly right? hahaha sebab dah lama tak edit-edit ni so takde idea how to make a beautiful wallpaper. Kalau dulu rajinlah guna photoshop untuk edit-edit poster ni. Sekarang tak sentuh dah benda tu 😅
Okey now this is my second result after I do some "study" abt how to edit beautiful phone wallpaper, hehe

It show an improvement right? Haha but still not very kemas. But I love alredy my edit. Tetiba teringat zaman-zaman aktif berblogger and rajin edit-edit guna photoshop :")
Then I try again just for fun, like I said I was so bored and untuk mengisi masa yang memang terluang HAHAHA. So this is another result 😁

This one, I really love it! It look more tidy and more beautiful than that other 3. 😻 But I think I need to practice more because. This I think is totally the basic editing 😂 But, after this 4 wallpaper I make, I already uninstall the picsart. HAHAHA nak buat macam mana, memory fon sangat lah sikit dan banyak gambar baru disave so terpaksa uninstall sebab memory fon full XD Its okey, nanti dah buang semua-semua dalam phone tu and bila datang balik mood bosan, I will install the apps back and practice the new things 😁
p/s: esok dah nak puasa! wahhh 😍😍