My new fav KPOP group! ^_^
Assalamualaikum :)
Since I'm so bored at home, so lets me write this post! uWu Because sem break and mereput everyday dekat rumah, so my fangirl's mood is on 200% 😁 Memang everyday kpop jelah dah tak tahu nak buat apa dekat rumah. hehehe
And yes, im still kpop fan since 2012 but sejak 2014 saya dah tak aktif minat group banyak-banyak. Minat sikit group je sekarang. Tak leih dari 3. HAHAHA maybe sebab dah 'tua' so takdelah nak minat banyak-banyak group macam dulu. Kalau dulu bukan main, Infinite, exo, u-kiss, B1A4 and dll lah. Sekarang yang group still minat dari zaman 2012 hanyalah INFINITE! yeay! I'm Infinite trash 😹
So sejak 2014 start minat Infinite je. Memang tak layan group lain dah. Just adalah lah dengar lagu sikit-sikit dari group lain macam Astro (lagu ballad diaorang serius best!) , Highlight (formerly Beast ni. Lagend and lagu diaorang still nice :D) and adalah 1-2 lagu dari Seventeen & Victon yang I fall in love 😍
But start tahun lepas, from infinite je.. now ada new group yang di'add' as my fav group! yeay! HAHAHAHA Lepas hampir 4 tahun, finally minat group baru. Do you want to know what group?

Golden child? HAHAHA yes.. diaorang ni sangat golden XD Nama group macam budak-budak en? haha ye la sebab diaorang pun budak-budak. Member paling youngest batch 2000 kot. I pun batch 97 😆
Sebelum tu lets me introduce them. Their group name is Golden Child. Debut last year (28/8/2017). This group originally ada 11 members, but due to health issue.. one member leave the group. Sobs, sumpah sedih time one member ni leave the group 😭 So now Golden Child is group with 10 members. The older is 93liner and the youngest 00liner. And ada sorang member yang same age with me, 97liner hehehe.

[ From left. Back row ; Daeyeol (leader), jangjun (same age with me hehe) , TAG, Donghyun, Y, Jaehyun (my bias uWu). Front row; Bomin ( youngest) , Jibeom, Joochan, Seungmin ]

And this is the former member, Park Jaeseok. He's so handsome and kind. but yeah. He decide to not be a kpop idol anymore. Memang sedih bila dapat news kata dia ni keluar sebab group baru en, tak sangka akan ada yang keluar :'(
And another importance thing is, they are actually Infinite's younger brothers! Hahaha yes they are in the same company with Infinite, Woollim entertaiment. That why I know them hehe. And one more, the leader of this group, Lee Daeyeol adalah adik sebenar kepada Infinite Lee Sungyeol. HAHAHA Tapi jangan ingat arrien minat diaoran sebab diaorang 'adik' infinite je but sebab arrien minat diaorang adalah diaorang memang taste group yang arrien suka. hahaha and yeah actually they have a ot of similarity with infinite. Maybe because of that? 😁 hahaha idk, but i just really like them. Talented, handsome, nice. huhuhu Okey sebenarnye kalau nak cerita why I like and love them, rasanya takkan ada yang nak baca, panjang dia boleh buat karangan.. kalah karangan sejarah paper 3 time SPM LOL. So uolls boleh check it out sendiri dekat internet and youtube. Believe me, they are so talented and amazing :D

And this is my collection of their albums and stuff! Hahaha I told you I'm their big fan ! I have their 1st mini album (with 11 members) and 2nd mini album (10 members) , official slogan towel (time slogan towel ni dikeluarkan, diaorang still 11 members), official photocard Bong Jaehyun (yang baju merah tu) and yang lain fanmade. And boleh nampak dekat gambar tu, bias saya adalah bong jaehyun. hahaha kipas tu pun kipas jaehyun, photocard pun banyak jaehyun 😝
Diaorang baru debut 8 bulan, so banyak tu jelah barang diaorang yang arrien ada. Kalau macam Infinite dah 9 tahun debut, arrien ada banyak album diaorang hehehe Nanti kalau rajin arrien upload my collection of infinite's stuff 😚
Last but not least, I LOVE GOLCHA SO MUCH 😆😘😝